Piano Tuning

Upright and Grand Piano Tuning


”Upright and grand piano tuning”  is the latest of the elementary books for piano technicians. The textbook is very suitable for self-studies. It describes the crooked historical path towards our modern piano tuning method. In a very simple way it describes how to learn piano tuning, both theoretically and practically. Suggestions are made about which tuning tools to use. The textbook also teaches intervals, about the ear, how to protect ones hearing, audiology, room acoustics, musical instrument acoustics, string scale design etc. Each chapter ends with questions to review covered areas.
The 487-page textbook with ca 200 illustrations was first published in 2003.

ISBN 978-3-937841-78-6

Euro 86,-



JAHN PIANOTEILE contact@jahn-pianoteile.de  www.pianoteile.com/site/652/default.aspx www.pianoteile.com

MEYNE KLAVIERTECHNIK info@klavierteile-shop.de

BAUMGÄRTEL: baumgartel@t-online.de www.pianoteile-baumgaertel.de

LOUIS RENNER: www.louisrenner.com


Pianotek Supply Company, e-mail address: service@pianoteksupply.com

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